Supporting Mental Health through Community and Care

Can you imagine a community where having a serious mental illness does not have to lead to loneliness, isolation, or poverty? This is the vision of mental health recovery - "Next Steps" of helping adults living with chronic mental illness reach their greatest potential. We want to share the good news about bridging this often missing link in the community of care for people living with serious and persistent mental illness (SMI).

Welcome to Oasis Clubhouse, a new 501 (c) (3) non-profit opening October 8th 2024 and one of over 350 Clubhouses worldwide.  Our mission is to empower and restore hope, independence and self-worth for adults in Oklahoma County living with a mental illness by providing access to social, educational and employment opportunities.

We have been working hard to renovate the Clubhouse for our grand opening during mental illness awareness week on October 8th from 4:30 to 7 pm.
A different approach

The Clubhouse Model

A Clubhouse is a community-based service dedicated to supporting and empowering people living with mental illness, known as Clubhouse members. Based on the Clubhouse Model of psychosocial rehabilitation, each Clubhouse offers a collaborative, restorative environment where Clubhouse members can recover by gaining access to opportunities for employment, socialization, education, skill development, housing and improved wellness. Organized around the belief that every individual has something valuable to contribute to society, Clubhouses effectively help people build self- confidence and end the social and economic isolation so often associated with mental illness.


Oasis gives me a place to be where I am wanted and needed. There aren't expectations on me. I come and they encourage me to get involved. Then I choose how I want to. It is so much easier when someone is pulling you along.

John Doe

Member, Oasis Clubhouse

I am excited about Clubhouse because I get to be a part of a community of people who are like me, and we get to make a difference in our own recovery as well as others. We get to do the work of the Clubhouse and folks can get work experience that can lead to getting a job that can become a lifelong career. We can support each other's lifelong journey. Staff and members work together.

Member, Oasis Clubhouse

Jane Smith